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Combat Merino Wool 160 Tee

Unisex Fitted

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Merino Wool
Merino Wool

Breathable, odour-resistant, warm


Merino/Cordura® nylon blend


All conditions


Get ready to experience the best of both worlds with our innovative Combat Merino Tee. This cutting-edge tee seamlessly combines the exceptional durability of Cordura nylon with the natural benefits of Merino wool, delivering a high-performance garment that's up for any outdoor adventure.

The Combat Merino Tee is specially crafted with a unique blend of Merino and Cordura®, specifically engineered to conquer the most challenging conditions. When the temperature drops, the Combat Merino Tee excels as a warm baselayer, providing excellent insulation to keep you cozy even in the harshest cold. And as the summer heat rolls in, it effortlessly transforms into a breathable top, ensuring you stay cool and comfortable.

Experience the ultimate breathability with the tee's thoughtful design, featuring mesh vent sections that allow air to circulate and keep you fresh throughout your outdoor endeavours. Plus, its added length allows easy tucking into your shorts or pants, ensuring a secure fit and added protection.

Choose from a range of colours, including the highly effective Prym1® Camo pattern, blending seamlessly into your surroundings and helping you become one with nature.

Combat Merino's exceptional durability has been tested and proven five times more abrasion-resistant than 100% Merino Wool fabric. This ensures that your tee will withstand the rigours of every outdoor adventure, maintaining its performance over time.

Embrace the power of the Combat Merino Tee, your reliable companion for conquering any outdoor challenge with confidence and comfort. From cold to blazing heat, this tee has got you covered every step of the way.

Watch the Combat Merino tech talk to learn how we made Merino Wool durable.



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